Sunday, December 20, 2015

Winter Break Trading Hours

The kids are out of school, the Holiday season is upon us, and it is time to purposely slow down the trading.
For the next two weeks we will be focusing on executing during the 2 hours from 6:30 - 8:30 AM PST (9:30 - 11:30 EST). 

This 2 hour period is right in the middle of my # 1 best time to trade.

Anyway as we normally execute essentially 24/6 this is a great opportunity for non-clients to trial the client feed knowing that the executions will be contained within a 2 hour window every day. 

Our focus these next 2 weeks will be on finding 1 - 3 quality trades per day within this 2 hour window.

If you would like to join us and get an idea of what the client feed is like trials to all of our services are available here.

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