Sunday, November 30, 2014

TS TradePlan for the YM E-mini Dow Futures - Monday December 1, 2014

TraderSmarts Numbers for YM (Z)
18008, 17957, 17955, 17919, 17880, 17843, 17831, 17800, 17784, 17770, 17733, 17711, 17693, 17679, 17674, 17660, 17642, 17633, 17617, 17599, 17576, 17560, 17555, 17528, 17501, 17484, 17459, 17442, 17434, 17411, 17378, 17357, 17341, 17303, 17277, 17258, 17222, 17208, 17202, 17175, 17133, 17111, 17072, 17037, 17013, 16966, 16943, 16928, 16909, 16898, 16883 Support becomes resistance and vice versa.

YM Contract Notes: 17800 TS # is LIS Monday.

Macro Technical View: 17955 MTS # above. 

YM Execution/Target Zones: 
17957 Extreme Short
17919 Highest Odds Short FTU
17880 Range Short
17733 - 17711 Range Long 
17660 - 17633 Highest Odds Long FTD
17560 - 17555 Extreme Long

Trade smart and trade well!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

TS TradePlan for the YM E-mini Dow Futures - Wednesday November 26, 2014

TraderSmarts Numbers for YM (Z)
18008, 17957, 17955, 17919, 17880, 17831, 17800, 17784, 17770, 17733, 17711, 17693, 17679, 17674, 17660, 17642, 17633, 17617, 17599, 17576, 17560, 17555, 17528, 17501, 17484, 17459, 17442, 17434, 17411, 17378, 17357, 17341, 17303, 17277, 17258, 17222, 17208, 17202, 17175, 17133, 17111, 17072, 17037, 17013, 16966, 16943, 16928, 16909, 16898, 16883, 16852, 16838 Support and resistance on the YM E-mini Futures

YM Contract Notes: 17800 TS # is LIS Wednesday. Full eco calendar. Range Long has not changed since Sunday Globex open and untested Sunday - Tuesday night as of this writing. 

Macro Technical View: 17955 MTS # above. 
YM Execution/Target Zones: 
17957 Extreme Short
17919 Highest Odds Short FTU
17880 Range Short
17733 - 17711 Range Long 
17660 - 17633 Highest Odds Long FTD
17411 Extreme Long

Trade smart and trade well!

All Charts shown with the TS TradePlan Indicator

Prior Day Review: YM TS TradePlan Chart for the E-mini Dow - Tuesday November 25, 2014

Prior Day Review: CL TS TradePlan Chart for Oil - Tuesday November 25, 2014

Precise Trading Plans and Trade Alerts for the E-Mini S&P-500 (ES), E-Mini Dow (YM), Euro (6E), Oil (CL) and Gold (GC) — Click Here to Access

I'll Tell You When I Win AND Lose

Some have no problem telling you when they win but we never hear about their losses. 

I'll tell you when I win, and lose. We can learn from both. 

Amazing day shorted all three highs exactly 5 ticks from each high. 

Lackluster day. Took a long (described on chart) but choppy action around LIS most of the session. Only hit Range Long after pit close. 

Trade smart and trade well! 

Monday, November 24, 2014

TS TradePlan for the YM E-mini Dow Futures - Tuesday November 25, 2014

TraderSmarts Numbers for YM (Z)
18008, 17957, 17955, 17919, 17831, 17784, 17733, 17711, 17693, 17679, 17674, 17660, 17642, 17633, 17617, 17599, 17576, 17560, 17555, 17528, 17501, 17484, 17459, 17442, 17434, 17411, 17378, 17357, 17341, 17303, 17277, 17258, 17222, 17208, 17202, 17175, 17133, 17111, 17072, 17037, 17013, 16966, 16943, 16928, 16909, 16898, 16883, 16852, 16838, 16823, 16812, 16798, 16781 Support and resistance on the YM E-mini Futures

YM Contract Notes: 17784 TS # is LIS Tuesday. 

Macro Technical View: 17955 MTS # above. 

YM Execution/Target Zones: 
17957 Extreme Short
17919 Highest Odds Short FTU
17831 Range Short
17733 - 17711 Range Long 
17660 - 17633 Highest Odds Long FTD
17411 Extreme Long

Trade smart and trade well!

All Charts shown with the TS TradePlan Indicator

Prior Day Review: YM TS TradePlan Chart for the E-mini Dow - Monday November 24, 2014

Prior Day Review: GC TS TradePlan Chart for Gold - Monday November 24, 2014

Prior Day Review: CL TS TradePlan Chart for Oil - Monday November 24, 2014

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Sunday, November 23, 2014

TS TradePlan for the YM E-mini Dow Futures - Monday November 24, 2014

TraderSmarts Numbers for YM (Z)
18008, 17957, 17955, 17919, 17831, 17784, 17733, 17711, 17693, 17679, 17674, 17660, 17642, 17633, 17617, 17599, 17576, 17560, 17555, 17528, 17501, 17484, 17459, 17442, 17434, 17411, 17378, 17357, 17341, 17303, 17277, 17258, 17222, 17208, 17202, 17175, 17133, 17111, 17072, 17037, 17013, 16966, 16943, 16928, 16909, 16898, 16883, 16852, 16838, 16823, 16812, 16798, 16781 Support and resistance on the YM E-mini Futures

YM Contract Notes: 17693 TS # is LIS Monday. 

Macro Technical View: 17955 MTS # above. 

YM Execution/Target Zones: 
17957 Extreme Short
17919 Highest Odds Short FTU
17831 Range Short
17733 - 17711 Range Long 
17633 - 17617 Highest Odds Long FTD
17411 Extreme Long

Trade smart and trade well!

All Charts shown with the TS TradePlan Indicator

Friday, November 21, 2014

ES TS TradePlan E-mini S&P-500 Chart Review - Friday November 21, 2014

Friday November 21, 2014 E-mini S&P-500 TS TradePlan Chart Review. The upper Execution/Target Zone targets from Friday's Contract Notes got hit o/n before eventual failure at Friday's Extreme Short target hit into U.S. cash open.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

TS TradePlan for the YM E-mini Dow Futures - Friday November 21, 2014

TraderSmarts Numbers for YM (Z)
17957, 17831, 17784, 17733, 17711, 17679, 17674, 17660, 17642, 17633, 17617, 17599, 17576, 17560, 17555, 17528, 17501, 17484, 17459, 17442, 17434, 17411, 17378, 17357, 17341, 17303, 17277, 17258, 17222, 17208, 17202, 17175, 17133, 17111, 17072, 17037, 17013, 16966, 16943, 16928, 16909, 16898, 16883, 16852, 16838, 16823, 16812, 16798, 16781, 16766, 16750, 16733  Support and resistance on the YM E-mini Futures

YM Contract Notes: 17660 TS # is LIS Friday. 

Macro Technical View: See ES Contract Notes / Macro Tech View

YM Execution/Target Zones: 
17957 Extreme Short
17784 Highest Odds Short FTU
17733 - 17711 Range Short
17674 - 17660 Range Long 
17633 - 17617 Highest Odds Long FTD
17411 Extreme Long

Trade smart and trade well!

All Charts shown with the TS TradePlan Indicator

Prior Day Review: YM TS TradePlan Chart for the E-mini Dow Futures - Thursday November 20, 2014

Prior Day Review: CL TS TradePlan Chart for Oil - Thursday November 20, 2014
Oil on the move with last push coming on HOS FTU test from above.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

TS TradePlan for the YM E-mini Dow Futures - Thursday November 20, 2014

TraderSmarts Numbers for YM (Z)
17957, 17784, 17711, 17679, 17660, 17642, 17633, 17599, 17576, 17560, 17555, 17528, 17501, 17484, 17459, 17442, 17434, 17411, 17378, 17357, 17341, 17303, 17277, 17258, 17222, 17208, 17202, 17175, 17133, 17111, 17072, 17037, 17013, 16966, 16943, 16928, 16909, 16898, 16883, 16852, 16838, 16823, 16812, 16798, 16781, 16766, 16750, 16733, 16725, 16681, 16647, 16616 Support and resistance on the YM E-mini Futures

YM Contract Notes: 17660 TS # is LIS Thursday. May pay to key trade direction off the LIS Thursday. 

Macro Technical View: See ES Contract Notes / Macro Tech View

YM Execution/Target Zones: 
17957 Extreme Short
17784 Highest Odds Short FTU
17711 Range Short
17576 - 17560 Range Long 
17411 Highest Odds Long FTD
17303 - 17277 Extreme Long

Trade smart and trade well!

All Charts shown with the TS TradePlan Indicator

Prior Day Review: YM TS TradePlan Chart for the E-mini Dow Futures - Wednesday November 19, 2014

Prior Day Review: 6E TS TradePlan Chart for the Euro Wednesday November 19, 2014

Prior Day Review: CL TS TradePlan Chart for Oil - Wednesday November 19, 2014

Prior Day Review: GC TS TradePlan Chart for Gold  - Wednesday November 19, 2014

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

TS TradePlan for the YM E-mini Dow Futures - Wednesday November 19, 2014

TraderSmarts Numbers for YM (Z)
17957, 17711, 17679, 17660, 17642, 17633, 17599, 17576, 17560, 17555, 17528, 17501, 17484, 17459, 17442, 17434, 17411, 17378, 17357, 17341, 17303, 17277, 17258, 17222, 17208, 17202, 17175, 17133, 17111, 17072, 17037, 17013, 16966, 16943, 16928, 16909, 16898, 16883, 16852, 16838, 16823, 16812, 16798, 16781, 16766, 16750, 16733, 16725, 16681, 16647, 16616 Support and resistance on the YM E-mini Futures

YM Contract Notes: 17642 - 17633 TS # Zone is LIS Wednesday. Over HOS FTU and can go to any high ... up to Extreme Short.

Macro Technical View: See ES Contract Notes / Macro Tech View

YM Execution/Target Zones: 
17957 Extreme Short
17711 Highest Odds Short FTU
17679 - 17660 Range Short
17599 - 17576 Range Long 
17411 Highest Odds Long FTD
17303 - 17277 Extreme Long

Trade smart and trade well!

Prior Day Review: YM TS TradePlan Chart for the E-mini Dow Futures - Tuesday November 18, 2014

Trade gold? Prior Day Review: GC TS TradePlan Chart for Gold  - Tuesday November 18, 2014

Precise Trading Plans and Trade Alerts for the E-Mini S&P-500 (ES), E-Mini Dow (YM), Euro (6E), Oil (CL) and Gold (GC) — Click Here to Access

Monday, November 17, 2014

TS TradePlan for the YM E-mini Dow Futures - Tuesday November 18, 2014

TraderSmarts Numbers for YM (Z)
17957, 17711, 17679, 17660, 17642, 17633, 17599, 17576, 17560, 17555, 17528, 17501, 17484, 17459, 17442, 17434, 17411, 17378, 17357, 17341, 17303, 17277, 17258, 17222, 17208, 17202, 17175, 17133, 17111, 17072, 17037, 17013, 16966, 16943, 16928, 16909, 16898, 16883, 16852, 16838, 16823, 16812, 16798, 16781, 16766, 16750, 16733, 16725, 16681, 16647, 16616 Support and resistance on the YM E-mini Futures

YM Contract Notes: 17599 TS # is LIS Tuesday. This Range Short has been resistance for a few is and holding so keep in mind it is until it isn't. Over Extreme Short Monday and can go to any high.

Macro Technical View: See ES Contract Notes / Macro Tech View

YM Execution/Target Zones: 
17711 Extreme Short
17679 - 17660 Highest Odds Short FTU
17642 - 17633 Range Short
17560 - 17555 Range Long 
17411 Highest Odds Long FTD
17303 - 17277 Extreme Long

Trade smart and trade well!

Prior Day Review: YM TS TradePlan Chart for the E-mini Dow Futures - Monday November 17, 2014

It usually pays to recall prior day's TS #'s / Execution/Target Zones. 

Sunday, November 16, 2014

TS TradePlan for the YM E-mini Dow Futures - Monday November 17, 2014

TraderSmarts Numbers for YM (Z)
17957, 17711, 17679, 17660, 17642, 17633, 17599, 17576, 17560, 17555, 17528, 17501, 17484, 17459, 17442, 17434, 17411, 17378, 17357, 17341, 17303, 17277, 17258, 17222, 17208, 17202, 17175, 17133, 17111, 17072, 17037, 17013, 16966, 16943, 16928, 16909, 16898, 16883, 16852, 16838, 16823, 16812, 16798, 16781, 16766, 16750, 16733, 16725, 16681, 16647, 16616 Support and resistance on the YM E-mini Futures

YM Contract Notes: 17599 TS # is LIS Monday. This Range Short has been resistance for a few is and holding so keep in mind it is until it isn't. Over Extreme Short Monday and can go to any high.

Macro Technical View: See ES Contract Notes / Macro Tech View

YM Execution/Target Zones: 
17711 Extreme Short
17679 - 17660 Highest Odds Short FTU
17642 - 17633 Range Short
17560 - 17555 Range Long 
17411 Highest Odds Long FTD
17303 - 17277 Extreme Long

Trade smart and trade well!

All Chart shown with the TS TradePlan Indicator

Prior Day Review: YM TS TradePlan Chart for the E-mini Dow Futures - Friday November 14, 2014

Thursday, November 13, 2014

TS TradePlan for the YM E-mini Dow Futures - Friday November 14, 2014

TraderSmarts Numbers for YM (Z)
17957, 17711, 17679, 17660, 17642, 17633, 17599, 17576, 17560, 17555, 17528, 17501, 17484, 17459, 17442, 17434, 17411, 17378, 17357, 17341, 17303, 17277, 17258, 17222, 17208, 17202, 17175, 17133, 17111, 17072, 17037, 17013, 16966, 16943, 16928, 16909, 16898, 16883, 16852, 16838, 16823, 16812, 16798, 16781, 16766, 16750, 16733, 16725, 16681, 16647, 16616 Support and resistance on the YM E-mini Futures

YM Contract Notes: 17576 TS # is LIS Friday. 

Macro Technical View: See ES Contract Notes / Macro Tech View

YM Execution/Target Zones: 
17711 Extreme Short
17679 - 17660 Highest Odds Short FTU
17642 - 17633 Range Short
17528 Range Long 
17411 Highest Odds Long FTD
17303 - 17277 Extreme Long

Trade smart and trade well!

All Chart shown with the TS TradePlan Indicator for NinjaTrader

Prior Day Review: YM TS TradePlan Chart for the E-mini Dow Futures - Thursday November 13, 2014

Prior Day Review: ES TS TradePlan Chart for the E-mini S&P-500 Futures - Thursday November 13, 2014

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

TS TradePlan for the YM E-mini Dow Futures - Thursday November 13, 2014

TraderSmarts Numbers for YM (Z)
17957, 17711, 17660, 17642, 17633, 17599, 17576, 17560, 17555, 17528, 17501, 17484, 17459, 17442, 17434, 17411, 17378, 17357, 17341, 17303, 17277, 17258, 17222, 17208, 17202, 17175, 17133, 17111, 17072, 17037, 17013, 16966, 16943, 16928, 16909, 16898, 16883, 16852, 16838, 16823, 16812, 16798, 16781, 16766, 16750, 16733, 16725, 16681, 16647, 16616, 16579, 16567, 16536  Support and resistance on the YM E-mini Futures

YM Contract Notes: 17576 TS # is LIS Thursday. 

Macro Technical View: See ES Contract Notes / Macro Tech View

YM Execution/Target Zones: 
17711 Extreme Short
17660 Highest Odds Short FTU
17642 - 17633 Range Short
17528 Range Long 
17411 Highest Odds Long FTD
17303 - 17277 Extreme Long

Trade smart and trade well!

All Chart shown with the TS TradePlan Indicator for NinjaTrader

Prior Day Review: YM TS TradePlan Chart for the E-mini Dow Futures - Wednesday November 11, 2014

Prior Day Review: ES TS TradePlan Chart for the E-mini S&P-500 Futures - Wednesday November 11, 2014

Prior Day Review: 6E TS TradePlan Chart for the Euro Futures - Wednesday November 11, 2014

Prior Day Review: GC TS TradePlan Chart for Gold Futures - Wednesday November 11, 2014

Prior Day Review: CL TS TradePlan Chart for Oil Futures - Wednesday November 11, 2014

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

TS TradePlan for the YM E-mini Dow Futures - Wednesday November 12, 2014

TraderSmarts Numbers for YM (Z)
17957, 17711, 17660, 17642, 17633, 17599, 17576, 17560, 17555, 17528, 17501, 17484, 17459, 17442, 17434, 17411, 17378, 17357, 17341, 17303, 17277, 17258, 17222, 17208, 17202, 17175, 17133, 17111, 17072, 17037, 17013, 16966, 16943, 16928, 16909, 16898, 16883, 16852, 16838, 16823, 16812, 16798, 16781, 16766, 16750, 16733, 16725, 16681, 16647, 16616, 16579, 16567, 16536 Support and resistance on the YM E-mini Futures

YM Contract Notes: 17555 TS # is LIS Wednesday. 

Macro Technical View: See ES Contract Notes / Macro Tech View

YM Execution/Target Zones: 
17711 Extreme Short
17642 - 17633 Highest Odds Short FTU
17576 - 17560 Range Short
17528 Range Long 
17411 Highest Odds Long FTD
17303 - 17277 Extreme Long

Trade smart and trade well!

Monday, November 10, 2014

TS TradePlan for the YM E-mini Dow Futures - Tuesday November 11, 2014

TraderSmarts Numbers for YM (Z)
17957, 17711, 17660, 17642, 17633, 17599, 17576, 17560, 17555, 17528, 17501, 17484, 17459, 17442, 17434, 17411, 17378, 17357, 17341, 17303, 17277, 17258, 17222, 17208, 17202, 17175, 17133, 17111, 17072, 17037, 17013, 16966, 16943, 16928, 16909, 16898, 16883, 16852, 16838, 16823, 16812, 16798, 16781, 16766, 16750, 16733, 16725, 16681, 16647, 16616, 16579, 16567, 16536 Support and resistance on the YM E-mini Futures

YM Contract Notes: 17501 TS # is LIS Tuesday. 

Macro Technical View: Keeping equity trades intraday only w/ no macro directional bias. 

YM Execution/Target Zones: 
17711 Extreme Short
17642 - 17633 Highest Odds Short FTU
17560 - 17555 Range Short
17528 Range Long 
17411 Highest Odds Long FTD
17303 - 17277 Extreme Long

Trade smart and trade well!

All charts shown with the TS TradePlan Indicator for NinjaTrader

Prior Day Review: YM TS TradePlan Chart for the E-mini Dow Futures - Tuesday November 11, 2014

Precise Trading Plans and Trade Alerts for the E-Mini S&P-500 (ES), E-Mini Dow (YM), Euro (6E), Oil (CL) and Gold (GC) — Click Here to Access

TS TradePlan for the YM E-mini Dow Futures - Monday November 10, 2014

TraderSmarts Numbers for YM (Z)
17957, 17711, 17660, 17642, 17633, 17599, 17576, 17560, 17555, 17528, 17501, 17484, 17459, 17442, 17434, 17411, 17378, 17357, 17341, 17303, 17277, 17258, 17222, 17208, 17202, 17175, 17133, 17111, 17072, 17037, 17013, 16966, 16943, 16928, 16909, 16898, 16883, 16852, 16838, 16823, 16812, 16798, 16781, 16766, 16750, 16733, 16725, 16681, 16647, 16616, 16579, 16567, 16536 Support and resistance on the YM E-mini Futures

YM Contract Notes: 17501 TS # is LIS Monday. 

Macro Technical View: Keeping equity trades intraday only w/ no macro directional bias. 

YM Execution/Target Zones: 
17711 Extreme Short
17642 - 17633 Highest Odds Short FTU
17560 - 17555 Range Short
17411 Range Long 
17303 - 17277 Highest Odds Long FTD
17222 - 17208  Extreme Long

Trade smart and trade well!