TraderSmarts Numbers for YM (Z)
18008, 17957, 17955, 17919, 17880, 17843, 17831, 17800, 17784, 17770, 17733, 17711, 17693, 17679, 17674, 17660, 17642, 17633, 17617, 17599, 17576, 17560, 17555, 17528, 17501, 17484, 17459, 17442, 17434, 17411, 17378, 17357, 17341, 17303, 17277, 17258, 17222, 17208, 17202, 17175, 17133, 17111, 17072, 17037, 17013, 16966, 16943, 16928, 16909, 16898, 16883 Support becomes resistance and vice versa.
YM Contract Notes: 17800 TS # is LIS Monday.
Macro Technical View: 17955 MTS # above.
YM Execution/Target Zones:
17957 Extreme Short
17919 Highest Odds Short FTU
17880 Range Short
17733 - 17711 Range Long
17660 - 17633 Highest Odds Long FTD
17560 - 17555 Extreme Long
Trade smart and trade well!