Tuesday, October 30, 2012

TS TradePlan for the YM Emini Futures - Wednesday October 31, 2012

TraderSmarts Numbers for the YM 
 13701, 13666, 13623, 13582, 13566, 13559, 13541,13532, 12509, 13487, 12468, 13457, 13442, 13422, 13404, 13397, 13375, 13361, 13344, 13314, 13288, 13257, 13243, 13219, 13182, 13152, 13125, 13107, 13083, 13067, 13038, 13031, 13013, 13003, 12988, 12950, 12914, 12870, 12809, 12801, 12774, 12672, 12641 Support / Resistance on the YM Emini Futures

YM Contract Notes: Wednesday is the last trading day of October. Seems like it would makes sense to test up to Range Short but as you guys know my # 1 rule is "Anything can happen at any time". As always focus on Execution/Target Zones.

YM Execution/Targets Zones:
13361 Extreme Short
13257 - 13243 Highest Odds Short FTU
13182 - 13152 Range Short
13013 - 13003 Range Long
12870 Highest Odds Long FTD
12801 - 12774 Extreme Long

Support becomes resistance and vice versa...

Trade smart and trade well!

TS TradePlan for ES YM 6E GC CL + TS Trades (Live Trade Alerts / Market Commentary / Private Twitter Feed): www.tradersmarts.net

Sunday, October 28, 2012

TS TradePlan for the YM Emini Futures - Monday October 29, 2012

TraderSmarts Numbers for the YM 
 13701, 13666, 13623, 13582, 13566, 13559, 13541,13532, 12509, 13487, 12468, 13457, 13442, 13422, 13404, 13397, 13375, 13361, 13344, 13314, 13288, 13257, 13243, 13219, 13182, 13152, 13125, 13107, 13083, 13067, 13038, 13031, 13003, 12988, 12950, 12914, 12870, 12809, 12801, 12774, 12672, 12641 Support / Resistance on the YM Emini Futures

YM Contract Notes: Wednesday is the last trading day of October. As always focus on Execution/Target Zones

YM Execution/Targets Zones:
13361 Extreme Short
13257 - 13243 Highest Odds Short FTU
13182 - 13152 Range Short
12988 Range Long
12870 Highest Odds Long FTD
12801 Extreme Long

Support becomes resistance and vice versa...

Trade smart and trade well!

TS TradePlan for ES YM 6E GC CL + TS Trades (Live Trade Alerts / Market Commentary / Private Twitter Feed): www.tradersmarts.net

Friday, October 26, 2012

TS TradePlan for the YM Emini Futures - Friday October 26, 2012

TraderSmarts Numbers for the YM 
 13701, 13666, 13623, 13582, 13566, 13559, 13541,13532, 12509, 13487, 12468, 13457, 13442, 13422, 13404, 13397, 13375, 13361, 13344, 13314, 13288, 13257, 13243, 13219, 13182, 13152, 13125, 13107, 13083, 13067, 13038, 13025, 13003, 12962, 12950, 12914, 12870, 12809, 12801, 12774, 12672, 12641 Support / Resistance on the YM Emini Futures

YM Contract Notes: Focus on Execution/Target Zones

YM Execution/Targets Zones:
13243 Extreme Short
13182 - 13152 Highest Odds Short FTU
13038 Range Short
12950 Range Long
12870 Highest Odds Long FTD
12801 Extreme Long

Support becomes resistance and vice versa...

Trade smart and trade well!

TS TradePlan for ES YM 6E GC CL + TS Trades (Live Trade Alerts / Market Commentary / Private Twitter Feed): www.tradersmarts.net

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

TS TradePlan for the YM Emini Futures - Thursday October 25, 2012

TraderSmarts Numbers for the YM 
13740, 13701, 13666, 13623, 13582, 13566, 13559, 13541,13532, 12509, 13487, 12468, 13457, 13442, 13422, 13404, 13397, 13375, 13361, 13344, 13314, 13288, 13257, 13243, 13219, 13182, 13152, 13125, 13107, 13083, 13067, 13038, 13025, 12962, 12950, 12870, 12809, 12801, 12774, 12672 Support / Resistance on the YM Emini Futures

YM Contract Notes: This 13083 - 13067 TS # Zone is clearly in play. This is LIS Thursday. 

YM Execution/Targets Zones:
13442 Extreme Short
13243 Highest Odds Short FTU
13182 - 13152 Range Short
13038 - 13025 Range Long
12962 - 12950 Highest Odds Long FTD
12870 Extreme Long

Support becomes resistance and vice versa...

Trade smart and trade well!

TS TradePlan for ES YM 6E GC CL + TS Trades (Live Trade Alerts / Market Commentary / Private Twitter Feed): www.tradersmarts.net

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

TS TradePlan for the YM Emini Futures - Wednesday October 24, 2012

TraderSmarts Numbers for the YM 
13740, 13701, 13666, 13623, 13582, 13566, 13559, 13541,13532, 12509, 13487, 12468, 13457, 13442, 13422, 13404, 13397, 13375, 13361, 13344, 13314, 13288, 13257, 13243, 13219, 13182, 13152, 13125, 13107, 13083, 13067, 13038, 13031, 12962, 12950, 12870, 12809, 12801, 12774, 12672 Support / Resistance on the YM Emini Futures

YM Contract Notes: FOMC Wednesday. Monday's hammer got erased Tuesday inline with the current "prove it bulls" context of market. Tuesday's 13038 - 13031 Extreme Long is now Wednesday's Range Long, however, we found support there at the cash close and have grinded up since. Range Long can be used as a LIS for HOL FTD which clearly becomes target on breach. 

YM Execution/Targets Zones:
13442 Extreme Short
13243 Highest Odds Short FTU
13182 Range Short
13038 - 13031 Range Long
12962 - 12950 Highest Odds Long FTD
12870 Extreme Long

Support becomes resistance and vice versa...

Trade smart and trade well!

TS TradePlan for ES YM 6E GC CL + TS Trades (Live Trade Alerts / Market Commentary / Private Twitter Feed): www.tradersmarts.net

Monday, October 22, 2012

TS TradePlan for the YM Emini Futures - Tuesday October 23, 2012

TraderSmarts Numbers for the YM 
13740, 13701, 13666, 13623, 13582, 13566, 13559, 13541,13532, 12509, 13487, 12468, 13457, 13442, 13422, 13404, 13397, 13375, 13361, 13344, 13314, 13288, 13257, 13243, 13219, 13182, 13152, 13125, 13107, 13083, 13067, 13038, 13031, 12950, 12870, 12809, 12801, 12774, 12672 Support / Resistance on the YM Emini Futures

YM Contract Notes: Expectation was we push down to test supports this week and we started Monday tagging 13182 - 13152 TS # Zone then ended the day with a hammer on the daily chart. 13182 - 13152 was the major target from 13458 highs. Anything lower now would be extended. That being said a test of 13083 - 13031 is possible and the market is still in a "prove it bulls" type of mood. Focus on the Execution/Target Zones and stay out of trouble. Expect support at 13244 - 13219 FTD ahead of Range Long.

YM Execution/Targets Zones:
13468 - 13457 Extreme Short
13404 - 13397 Highest Odds Short FTU
13375 - 13361 Range Short
13182 - 13152 Range Long
13083 - 13067 Highest Odds Long FTD
13038 - 13031 Extreme Long

Support becomes resistance and vice versa...

Trade smart and trade well!

TS TradePlan for ES YM 6E GC CL + TS Trades (Live Trade Alerts / Market Commentary / Private Twitter Feed): www.tradersmarts.net

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Review: YM TS TradePlan Friday Oct 19, 2012 - A Look at the Contract Notes & Execution/Target Zones

Friday's YM TS TradePlan into Sunday Globex Open

Friday's YM TS TradePlan after Monday Close

Today's ES TS TradePlan Chart. Nice bounce out of Range Long

TS TradePlan for the YM Emini Futures - Monday October 22, 2012

TraderSmarts Numbers for the YM 
13740, 13701, 13666, 13623, 13582, 13566, 13559, 13541,13532, 12509, 13487, 12468, 13457, 13442, 13422, 13404, 13397, 13361, 13344, 13314, 13295, 13277, 13253, 13236, 13228, 13205, 13182, 13152, 13125, 13107, 13083, 13067, 13038, 13031, 12950, 12870, 12809, 12801, 12774, 12672 Support / Resistance on the YM Emini Futures

YM Contract Notes: Last week we tested higher Monday - Thursday and then Friday we got below key 13457 TS # per Friday's Contract Notes and sold off to right back where we started the week. Expectation is we push down to test supports at the Long Execution/Target Zones at some point this week. 13361 remains the big picture LIS. 

YM Execution/Targets Zones:
13468 - 13457 Extreme Short
13404 - 13397 Highest Odds Short FTU
13361 Range Short
13182 - 13152 Range Long
13083 - 13067 Highest Odds Long FTD
13038 - 13031 Extreme Long

Support becomes resistance and vice versa...

Trade smart and trade well!

TS TradePlan for ES YM 6E GC CL + TS Trades (Live Trade Alerts / Market Commentary / Private Twitter Feed): www.tradersmarts.net

Friday, October 19, 2012

TS TradePlan for the YM Emini Futures - Friday October 19, 2012

TraderSmarts Numbers for the YM 
13740, 13701, 13666, 13623, 13582, 13566, 13559, 13541,13532, 12509, 13487, 12468, 13457, 13442, 13422, 13404, 13397, 13361, 13344, 13314, 13295, 13277, 13253, 13236, 13228, 13205, 13182, 13152, 13125, 13107, 13083, 13067, 13038, 13031, 12950, 12870, 12809, 12801, 12774, 12672 Support / Resistance on the YM Emini Futures

YM Contract Notes: Doji on daily Thursday. No change in Execution/Target Zones. 13361 big picture LIS. 13468 - 13457 LIS Friday as well. Above 13468 and holding and will likely want to test into the Short Execution/Target Zones. Notice the Short Zones are compacted. Extreme has shrunk in light of the move we just had. Above 13566 and each TS # is significant - expectation is only unexpected news or similar would give it the energy to test higher. If we hold under 13457 then it is possible we make new lows into 13182 - 13152 with 13083 - 13067 extended target.

YM Execution/Targets Zones:
13566 - 13559 Extreme Short
13541 - 13532 Highest Odds Short FTU
13509 Range Short
13404 - 13397 Range Long
13364 - 13359 Highest Odds Long FTD
13182 - 13152 Extreme Long

Support becomes resistance and vice versa...

Trade smart and trade well!

TS TradePlan for ES YM 6E GC CL + TS Trades (Live Trade Alerts / Market Commentary / Private Twitter Feed): www.tradersmarts.net

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

TS TradePlan for the YM Emini Futures - Thursday October 18, 2012

TraderSmarts Numbers for the YM 
13740, 13701, 13666, 13623, 13582, 13566, 13559, 13541,13532, 12509, 13481, 12468, 13457, 13442, 13422, 13404, 13397, 13361, 13344, 13314, 13295, 13277, 13253, 13236, 13228, 13205, 13182, 13152, 13125, 13107, 13083, 13067, 13038, 13031, 12950  Support / Resistance on the YM Emini Futures

YM Contract Notes: 13361 big picture LIS. 13468 - 13457 LIS Thursday. Above 13468 and holding and will likely want to test into the Short Execution/Target Zones. Notice the Short Zones are compacted. Extreme has shrunk in light of the move we just had. Above 13566 and each TS # is significant - expectation is only unexpected news or similar would give it the energy to test higher. If we hold under 13457 then it is possible we make new lows into 13182 - 13152 with 13083 - 13067 extended target.

YM Execution/Targets Zones:
13566 - 13559 Extreme Short
13541 - 13532 Highest Odds Short FTU
13509 Range Short
13404 - 13397 Range Long
13364 - 13359 Highest Odds Long FTD
13182 - 13152 Extreme Long

Support becomes resistance and vice versa...

Trade smart and trade well!

TS TradePlan for ES YM 6E GC CL + TS Trades (Live Trade Alerts / Market Commentary / Private Twitter Feed): www.tradersmarts.net

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

TS TradePlan for the YM Emini Futures - Wednesday October 17, 2012

TraderSmarts Numbers for the YM 
13740, 13701, 13666, 13623, 13582, 13566, 13541,13532, 12509, 13481, 12462, 13442, 13434, 13422, 13404, 13397, 13364, 13359, 13344, 13314, 13295, 13277, 13253, 13236, 13228, 13205, 13182, 13152, 13125, 13107, 13083, 13067, 13038, 13031, 12950, 12870 Support / Resistance on the YM Emini Futures

YM Contract Notes: 13364 - 13359 is the LIS. I mentioned in Tuesday update that I was heavily favoring shorts into Range and HOS FTU for move back to HOL FTD. We got the move into 13481 TS # (and 6 ticks over) Tuesday at HOS FTU. If we hold under then it is probable that we make new lows into 13182 - 13152 with 13083 - 13067 extended target. Could be done into opex. Above 13481 and holding and we can likely target new swing highs. 

YM Execution/Targets Zones:
13623 Extreme Short
13566 - 13541 Highest Odds Short FTU
13462 - 13481 Range Short
13404 - 13397 Range Long
13364 - 13359 Highest Odds Long FTD
13182 - 13152 Extreme Long  

Support becomes resistance and vice versa...

Trade smart and trade well!

TS TradePlan for ES YM 6E GC CL + TS Trades (Live Trade Alerts / Market Commentary / Private Twitter Feed): www.tradersmarts.net

Monday, October 15, 2012

TS TradePlan for the YM Emini Futures - Tuesday October 16, 2012

TraderSmarts Numbers for the YM 
13740, 13701, 13666, 13623, 13582, 13566, 13541,13532, 12509, 13481, 12462, 13442, 13434, 13422, 13397, 13364, 13359, 13344, 13314, 13295, 13277, 13253, 13236, 13228, 13205, 13182, 13152, 13125, 13107, 13083, 13067, 13038, 13031, 12950, 12870 Support / Resistance on the YM Emini Futures

YM Contract Notes: We are failing below 13364 - 13359. Target below is 13083 - 13067. Friday TRIN was bearish all day yet we held Friday's 13236 - 13228 Range Long as support all day. Was expecting this to break Friday and it didn't. Would not be surprised to see a flush early this week. <<< From Sunday for Tuesday I add that in spite of the daily candle Monday I am heavily favoring shorts Tuesday into Range and Highest Odds for push down to Highest Odds Long FTD.

YM Execution/Targets Zones:
13623 Extreme Short
13462 - 13481 Highest Odds Short FTU
13397 Range Short
13314 - 13295 Range Long
13182 - 13152 Highest Odds Long FTD
13083 - 13067 Extreme Long

Support becomes resistance and vice versa...

Trade smart and trade well!

TS TradePlan for ES YM 6E GC CL + TS Trades (Live Trade Alerts / Market Commentary / Private Twitter Feed): www.tradersmarts.net

Trade Highlights - Monday October 15, 2012

Gold (GC)

Oil (CL)

Sunday, October 14, 2012

TS TradePlan for the YM Emini Futures - Monday October 15, 2012

TraderSmarts Numbers for the YM 
13566, 13541,13532, 12509, 13481, 12462, 13442, 13434, 13422, 13397, 13364, 13359, 13314, 13295, 13277, 13253, 13236, 13228, 13205, 13182, 13152, 13125, 13107, 13083, 13067, 13038, 13031, 12950, 12870 Support / Resistance on the YM Emini Futures

YM Contract Notes: We are failing below 13364 - 13359. Target below is 13083 - 13067. Friday TRIN was bearish all day yet we held Friday's 13236 - 13228 Range Long as support all day. Was expecting this to break Friday and it didn't. Would not be surprised to see a flush early this week. 

YM Execution/Targets Zones:
13462 - 13481 Extreme Short
13397  Highest Odds Short FTU
13344 Range Short
13182 - 13152 Range Long
13083 - 13067 Highest Odds Long FTD
13038 - 13031  Extreme Long

Support becomes resistance and vice versa...

Trade smart and trade well!

TS TradePlan for ES YM 6E GC CL + TS Trades (Live Trade Alerts / Market Commentary / Private Twitter Feed): www.tradersmarts.net

Thursday, October 11, 2012

How To Deliver When It Counts The Most


Above we see Lance Berkman hitting an RBI single to tie the game in the 10th inning of the 2011 World Series. I blogged about it here: http://tradersmarts.blogspot.com/2011/11/what-i-learned-from-2011-world-series.html

What was his secret? We can ask Raul Ibanez...

Ibanez gave the exact same answer tonight after hitting a game tying home run in the bottom of the ninth in Wednesday's ALDS, and then a walk off home run to win the game in the 12th. Pinch hitting for A-Rod no less. 

Listen to what Ibanez has to say below...

As traders it is easy to get wrapped up in the outcome of the "next trade". Sometimes we allow the outcome to become "bottom of the ninth" huge in our minds. In reality the next trade is just another trade in a long line of trades. Think of it like a link in a never ending chain.

We don't need to try and hit it out of the park with every trade. This is especially true for those times when it feels like everything is riding on the outcome of the next trade. Ever felt that way? Well allow yourself to feel no pressure. Just step up to your trading terminal and try to have a good at bat. Look for a good ball to hit and "try not to do too much". Great things can happen. 

TS TradePlan for the YM Emini Futures - Friday October 12, 2012

TraderSmarts Numbers for the YM 
13740, 13701, 13666, 13623, 13582, 13566, 13541,13532, 12509, 13481, 12462, 13442, 13434, 13422, 13387, 13364, 13359, 13314, 13295, 13277, 13253, 13236, 13228, 13205, 13182, 13152, 13125, 13107, 13083, 13067, 13038, 12950, 12870, 12809, 12801, 12774, 12672 Support / Resistance on the YM Emini Futures

YM Contract Notes: Strong move Wednesday under the 13365 - 13359 KEY LIS. 13083 - 13067 is target of holding below. No change in Execution/Target Zones. 13205 is the lone TS # between Range Long and Highest Odds Long FTD -  expect 13205 to exhibit support on first test. 

YM Execution/Targets Zones:
13462 - 13481 Extreme Short
13387 - 13364  Highest Odds Short FTU
13344 Range Short
13236 - 13228 Range Long
13182 - 13152 Highest Odds Long FTD
13083 - 13067  Extreme Long

Support becomes resistance and vice versa...

Trade smart and trade well!

TS TradePlan for ES YM 6E GC CL + TS Trades (Live Trade Alerts / Market Commentary / Private Twitter Feed): www.tradersmarts.net

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

TS TradePlan for the YM Emini Futures - Thursday October 11, 2012

TraderSmarts Numbers for the YM 
13740, 13701, 13666, 13623, 13582, 13566, 13541,13532, 12509, 13481, 12462, 13442, 13434, 13422, 13387, 13364, 13359, 13314, 13277, 13253, 13236, 13228, 13205, 13182, 13152, 13125, 13107, 13083, 13067, 13038, 12950, 12870, 12809, 12801, 12774, 12672 Support / Resistance on the YM Emini Futures

YM Contract Notes: Strong move Wednesday under the 13365 - 13359 KEY LIS. 13083 - 13067 is target of holding below. 

YM Execution/Targets Zones:
13462 - 13481 Extreme Short
13387 - 13364  Highest Odds Short FTU
13344 Range Short
13236 - 13228 Range Long
13182 - 13152 Highest Odds Long FTD
13083 - 13067  Extreme Long

Support becomes resistance and vice versa...

Trade smart and trade well!

TS TradePlan for ES YM 6E GC CL + TS Trades (Live Trade Alerts / Market Commentary / Private Twitter Feed): www.tradersmarts.net

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

TS TradePlan for the YM Emini Futures - Wednesday October 10, 2012

TraderSmarts Numbers for the YM 
13740, 13701, 13666, 13623, 13582, 13566, 13541,13532, 12509, 13481, 12462, 13442, 13434, 13422, 13387, 13364, 13359, 13314, 13277, 13253, 13236, 13228, 13205, 13182, 13152, 13125, 13107, 13083, 13067, 13038, 12950, 12870, 12809, 12801, 12774, 12672 Support / Resistance on the YM Emini Futures

YM Contract Notes: Last week held above our 13365 - 13359 LIS and pushed up to test higher now back to test again. 

YM Execution/Targets Zones:
13623 Extreme Short
13509  Highest Odds Short FTU
13462 - 13481 Range Short
13365 - 13359 Range Long
13236 - 13228 Highest Odds Long FTD
13182 - 13152  Extreme Long

Support becomes resistance and vice versa...

Trade smart and trade well!

TS TradePlan for ES YM 6E GC CL + TS Trades (Live Trade Alerts / Market Commentary / Private Twitter Feed): www.tradersmarts.net

Monday, October 8, 2012

TS TradePlan for the YM Emini Futures - Tuesday October 9, 2012

TraderSmarts Numbers for the YM 
13740, 13701, 13666, 13623, 13582, 15366, 13541,13532, 12509, 13481, 12462, 13442, 13434, 13422, 13387, 13364, 13359, 13314, 13277, 13253, 13236, 13228, 13205, 13182, 13152, 13125, 13107, 13083, 13067, 13038, 12950, 12870, 12809, 12801, 12774, 12672 Support / Resistance on the YM Emini Futures

YM Contract Notes: Last week held above our 13365 - 13359 LIS and pushed up to test higher. Stick to Execution/Target Zones. Did not test into  Range Short or Range Long Monday. Execution/Target Zones remain the same. 

YM Execution/Targets Zones:
13701 Extreme Short
13623  Highest Odds Short FTU
13582 - 13566 Range Short
13442 - 13422 Range Long
13365 - 13359 Highest Odds Long FTD
13236 - 13228  Extreme Long

Support becomes resistance and vice versa...

Trade smart and trade well!

TS TradePlan for ES YM 6E GC CL + TS Trades (Live Trade Alerts / Market Commentary / Private Twitter Feed): www.tradersmarts.net

Saturday, October 6, 2012

TS TradePlan for the YM Emini Futures - Monday October 8, 2012

TraderSmarts Numbers for the YM 
13740, 13701, 13666, 13623, 13582, 13566, 13541,13532, 12509, 13481, 12462, 13442, 13434, 13422, 13387, 13364, 13359, 13314, 13277, 13253, 13236, 13228, 13205, 13182, 13152, 13125, 13107, 13083, 13067, 13038, 12950, 12870, 12809, 12801, 12774, 12672 Support / Resistance on the YM Emini Futures

YM Contract Notes: Last week held above our 13365 - 13359 LIS and pushed up to test higher. Stick to Execution/Target Zones. 

YM Execution/Targets Zones:
13701 Extreme Short
13623  Highest Odds Short FTU
13582 - 13566 Range Short
13442 - 13422 Range Long
13365 - 13359 Highest Odds Long FTD
13236 - 13228  Extreme Long

Support becomes resistance and vice versa...

Trade smart and trade well!

TS TradePlan for ES YM 6E GC CL + TS Trades (Live Trade Alerts / Market Commentary / Private Twitter Feed): www.tradersmarts.net

Thursday, October 4, 2012

TS TradePlan for the YM Emini Futures - Friday October 5, 2012

TraderSmarts Numbers for the YM 
13740, 13701, 13666, 13623, 13620, 13589, 12584, 13553, 13541,13532, 12509, 13481, 12462, 13448, 13434, 13422, 13387, 13364, 13359, 13314, 13277, 13253, 13236, 13228, 13205, 13182, 13152, 13125, 13107, 13083, 13067, 13038, 12950, 12870, 12809, 12801, 12774, 12672 Support / Resistance on the YM Emini Futures

YM Contract Notes: 13365 remains the KEY LIS heading into the week. << We have held this so far this week (Mon - Thurs). NFP Friday. 

Could be grind up into NFP << From Thursday TS TradePlan. Essentially what we got Thursday and Friday Globex. 
Now a 250 tick differential between HOL FTD and Extreme Long.

YM Execution/Targets Zones:
13701 Extreme Short
13623 - 13620 Highest Odds Short FTU
13553 - 13541 Range Short
13462 Range Long
13434 - 13422 Highest Odds Long FTD
13183 - 13152  Extreme Long

Support becomes resistance and vice versa...

Trade smart and trade well!

TS TradePlan for ES YM 6E GC CL + TS Trades (Live Trade Alerts / Market Commentary / Private Twitter Feed): www.tradersmarts.net

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

TS TradePlan for the YM Emini Futures - Thursday October 4, 2012

TraderSmarts Numbers for the YM 
13740, 13701, 13666, 13623, 13620, 13589, 12584, 13553, 13541,13532, 12509, 13481, 12462, 13448, 13434, 13422, 13387, 13364, 13359, 13314, 13277, 13253, 13236, 13228, 13205, 13182, 13152, 13125, 13107, 13083, 13067, 13038, 12950, 12870, 12809, 12801, 12774, 12672 Support / Resistance on the YM Emini Futures

YM Contract Notes: 13365 remains the KEY LIS heading into the week. << We have held this so far this week (Mon - Wed). NFP Friday. Over 13481 and can target eventual move to Extreme Short with obvious resistance along the way. Could be grind up into NFP. Now a 200 tick differential between HOL FTD and Extreme Long.

YM Execution/Targets Zones:
13623 - 13620 Extreme Short
13553 - 13541 Highest Odds Short FTU
13509 Range Short
13448 - 13434 Range Long
13365 - 13359 Highest Odds Long FTD
13183 - 13152  Extreme Long

Support becomes resistance and vice versa...

Trade smart and trade well!

TS TradePlan for ES YM 6E GC CL + TS Trades (Live Trade Alerts / Market Commentary / Private Twitter Feed): www.tradersmarts.net

Monday, October 1, 2012

TS TradePlan for the YM Emini Futures - Tuesday October 2, 2012

TraderSmarts Numbers for the YM 
13740, 13701, 13666, 13623, 13589, 12584, 13541,13532, 12509, 13481, 12462, 13448, 13434, 13422, 13387, 13364, 13359, 13314, 13277, 13253, 13236, 13228, 13205, 13182, 13152, 13125, 13107, 13083, 13067, 13038, 12950, 12870, 12809, 12801, 12774, 12672 Support / Resistance on the YM Emini Futures

YM Contract Notes: 13365 remains the KEY LIS heading into the week. 

YM Execution/Targets Zones:
13623 Extreme Short
13553 Highest Odds Short FTU
13481 - 13462 Range Short
13387 Range Long
13228 - 13205 Highest Odds Long FTD
13183 - 13152  Extreme Long

Support becomes resistance and vice versa...

Trade smart and trade well!

TS TradePlan for ES YM 6E GC CL + TS Trades (Live Trade Alerts / Market Commentary / Private Twitter Feed): www.tradersmarts.net