Monday, October 31, 2011

TraderSmarts Numbers for the YM Emini Futures - Tuesday November 1, 2011

Support becomes resistance and vice versa...

11882, 11897, 11922, 11943, 11969, 11987, 12013, 12037, 12057, 12101, 12140, 12169, 12180, 12210, 12260, 12273, 12348, 12429, 12515, 12523, 12652 Resistance on the YM Emini Futures

11863, 11837, 11812, 11792, 11763, 11743, 11715, 11697, 11681, 11658, 11628, 11609, 11590, 11568, 11559, 11539, 11515, 11487, 11445, 11424, 11405, 11390, 11368, 11336, 11322 Supports

Trade smart and trade well!

YM: 11987 line in the sand. 12523 - 12515 extreme short. 12348 highest odds short FTU. 12037 - 12013 range short. 11837 - 11812 range long. 11743 - 11715 highest odds long FTD. 11568 - 11559 extreme long.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

TraderSmarts Numbers for the YM Emini Futures - Halloween, 2011

Support becomes resistance and vice versa...

12180, 12210, 12260, 12273, 12348, 12429, 12515, 12523, 12652 Resistance on the YM Emini Futures

12169, 12140, 12101, 12057, 12037, 12013, 11987, 11969, 11943, 11922, 11896 - 11889, 11863, 11837, 11812, 11792, 11763, 11743, 11715, 11697, 11681, 11658, 11628, 11609, 11590, 11568, 11559, 11539, 11515, 11487, 11445, 11424, 11405, 11390, 11368, 11336, 11322 Supports

Trade smart and trade well!

YM: 12523 - 12515 extreme short. 12348 highest odds short FTU. 12273 - 12260 range short. 11987 - 11943 highest odds long FTD. Below we have 11896 - 11889 and 11863 - 11837, 11743 - 11715 and then 11568 - 11559 is huge.

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Friday, October 28, 2011

TraderSmarts Numbers for the YM Emini Futures - Friday October 28, 2011

Support becomes resistance and vice versa...

12348, 12273, 12210, 12180, 12169, 12140, 12101,

12057, 12037, 12013, 11987, 11969, 11922, 11896 - 11889, 11863, 11837, 11812, 11792, 11763, 11743, 11715, 11697, 11681, 11658, 11628, 11609, 11590, 11568, 11559, 11539, 11515, 11487 Supports

Trade smart and trade well!

YM: 12348 highest odds short FTU. 12273 - 12267 range short. 11987 - 11969 range long. 11896 - 11889 and 11863 - 11837 two TS # Zones to find highest odds long FTD. Below we have 11743 - 11715 and then 11568 - 11559 is huge.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

TraderSmarts Numbers for the YM Emini Futures - Thursday October 27, 2011

Support becomes resistance and vice versa...

12169, 12140, 12057, 12037, 12013 Resistance on the YM Emini Futures

11969, 11922, 11877, 11863, 11837, 11817, 11792, 11763, 11743, 11715, 11697, 11681, 11658, 11628, 11609, 11590, 11568, 11559, 11539, 11515, 11487, 11445, 11424, 11405, 11390, 11368, 11336, 11322 Supports

Trade smart and trade well!

YM: 12169 - 12140 highest odds short FTU. 12057 - 12013 zone to find range short. 11969 - 11922 important. Below that 11863 - 11837 then 11743 - 11715. 11668 - 11659 highest odds long FTD.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

TraderSmarts Numbers for the YM Emini Futures - Wednesday October 26, 2011

Support becomes resistance and vice versa...

12140, 12057, 11969, 11922, 11877, 11863, 11837, 11817, 11792, 11763, 11743, 11715 Resistance on the YM Emini Futures

11697, 11681, 11658, 11628, 11609, 11590, 11568, 11559, 11539, 11515, 11487, 11445, 11424, 11405, 11390, 11368, 11336, 11322 Supports

Trade smart and trade well!

YM: 11743 line in sand and range short FTU. Over 11743 and expecting test of 11837 - 11877 zone. 12057 extreme short. 11969 - 11922 highest odds short FTU. 11877 - 11837 important - this has been the major target to upside. 11609, 11568 - 11559, then 11515 areas to consider long below.

Monday, October 24, 2011

TraderSmarts Numbers for the YM Emini Futures - Tuesday October 25, 2011

Support becomes resistance and vice versa...

12140, 12057, 11969, 11922, 11877, 11863, 11837, 11817
11817, 11837, 11849, 11863, 11877, 11922, 11969, 12057, 12140 Resistance on the YM Emini Futures

11772, 11754, 11731, 11705, 11697, 11658, 11628, 11609, 11590, 11568, 11559, 11539, 11515, 11487, 11445, 11424, 11405, 11390, 11368, 11336, 11322 Supports

Trade smart and trade well!

YM: 12057 extreme short. 11969 - 11922 highest odds short FTU. 11877 - 11837 range short. 11772 - 11754 aggressive range long. 11609, 11568 - 11559, then 11515 areas to consider long below.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Updated TraderSmarts Numbers for the YM Emini Futures - Monday October

TraderSmarts Numbers for the YM

11969, 11922, 11877, 11863, 11837, 11777, 11754, 11731 Resistance on the YM Emini Futures

11705, 11697, 11658, 11628, 11609, 11590, 11568, 11559, 11539, 11515, 11487, 11445, 11424, 11405, 11390, 11368, 11336, 11322, 11306, 11272, 11253, 11237, 11225 Supports

Trade smart and trade well!

YM: 11877 -11837 highest odds short FTU. 11754 range short. 11609, 11568 - 11559, then 11515 areas to consider long. Friday we hovered right under the 11736 - 11727 zone before eod spurt. This zone important into Monday.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

TraderSmarts Numbers for the YM Emini Futures - Friday October 20, 2011

Support becomes resistance and vice versa...

11480, 11497, 11515, 11539, 11559, 11568, 11628, 11727, 11736, 11777, 11837, 11863, 1922, 11969 Resistance on the YM Emini Futures

11445, 11424, 11405, 11390, 11368, 11336, 11322, 11306, 11280, 11272, 11253, 11237, 11225, 11212, 11195, 11173, 11146, 11125, 11093, 11065, 11046, 11033, 11024, 11016, 10972, 10945, 10930, 10882, 10835, 10809, 10786, 10749 Supports

Trade smart and trade well!

YM: Still trading in the same zones. 11568 - 11559 the squeeze line. If we get above and hold expecting move up into 11777 - 11726 and eventually 11863 - 11837. Those are the short zones FTU. Below 11559 we have 11480, 11405, then 11368 - 11322, or 11368 - (11336 - 11322). Under 11322 is 11280 - 11272 and then 11225 - 11174. Below that is 11065 - 11046.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

TraderSmarts Numbers for the YM Emini Futures - Thursday October 20, 2011

Support becomes resistance and vice versa...

11445, 11477, 11497, 11515, 11539, 11559, 11568, 11628, 11727, 11736, 11777, 11837, 11863, 11922, 11969 Resistance on the YM Emini Futures

11424, 11411, 11390, 11368, 11336, 11322, 11306, 11272, 11253, 11237, 11225, 11212, 11195, 11173, 11146, 11125, 11093, 11065, 11046, 11033, 11024, 11016, 10972, 10945, 10930, 10882, 10835, 10809, 10786, 10749 Supports

Trade smart and trade well!

YM: 11568 - 11559 obvious line in the sand. If we get over Wednesday high (11572) in Thursday session could be one heck of a squeeze that ensues. 11863 - 11837 extreme short. 11777 - 11726 highest odds short FTU. 11424 - 11387 range long (playing out right now). 11225 - 11173 still the highest odds long FTD. 11065 - 11046 extreme long. The 11368 - 11322 zone is key, still.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

TraderSmarts Numbers for the YM Emini Futures - Wednesday October 19, 2011

Support becomes resistance and vice versa...

11497, 11515, 11539, 11559, 11568, 11628, 11727, 11736, 11777, 11837, 11863, 11922, 11969 Resistance on the YM Emini Futures

11480, 11445, 11424, 11411, 11390, 11368, 11336, 11322, 11306, 11272, 11253, 11237, 11225, 11212, 11195, 11173, 11146, 11125, 11093, 11065, 11046, 11033, 11024, 11016, 10972, 10945, 10930, 10882, 10835, 10809, 10786, 10749 Supports

Trade smart and trade well!

YM: 11863 - 11837 extreme short. 11777 - 11726 highest odds short FTU. 11568 - 11559 still the range short (this will be 3rd test though if tested again). 11424 - 11387 range long. 11225 - 11173 still the highest odds long FTD. 11065 - 11046 extreme long. The 11368 - 11322 zone is key, still.

Monday, October 17, 2011

TraderSmarts Numbers for the YM Emini Futures - Tuesday October 18, 2011

Support becomes resistance and vice versa...

11272, 11306, 11322, 11336, 11368, 11390, 11413, 11424, 11445, 11480, 11497, 11515, 11539, 11559, 11568, 11628, 11727, 11736, 11837, 11863, 11922, 11969 Resistance on the YM Emini Futures

11253, 11237, 11225, 11212, 11195, 11173, 11146, 11125, 11093, 11065, 11046, 11033, 11024, 11016, 10972, 10945, 10930, 10882, 10835, 10809, 10786, 10749 Supports

Trade smart and trade well!

YM: 11568 - 11559 highest odds short FTU. 11480 - 11424 range short. 11225 - 11173 highest odds long FTD. 11065 - 11046 extreme long. The 11368 - 11322 zone is key, still.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

TraderSmarts Numbers for the YM Emini Futures - Monday October 17, 2011

Support becomes resistance and vice versa...

11559, 11568, 11628, 11727, 11837, 11863, 11922, 11969 Resistance 

11539, 11515, 11497, 11480, 11445, 11424, 11413, 11390, 11368, 11336, 11322, 11301, 11272, 11253, 11237, 11225, 11212, 11195, 11173, 11146, 11125, 11093, 11065, 11046, 11033, 11024, 11016, 10972, 10945, 10930, 10882, 10835, 10809, 10786, 10749 Supports

Trade smart and trade well!

YM: 11863 - 11837 highest odds short FTU. 11736 - 11727 range short. 11480 - 11424 zone to find range long. 11336 - 11322 highest odds long FTD. 11225 - 11174 extreme long. The 11368 - 11322 zone is important still as a decider of direction. Keep in mind we closed Friday inside the 11568 - 11559 highest odds short from Thursday/Friday. I am interested to see how we react to this area on Sunday's open.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

TraderSmarts Numbers for the YM Emini Futures - Friday October 14, 2011

Support becomes resistance and vice versa...

11368, 11390, 11413, 11421, 11445, 11474, 11486, 11497, 11515, 11539, 11559, 11568, 11628, 11727, 11737

11336, 11301, 11272, 11253, 11237, 11225, 11212, 11195, 11173, 11146, 11125, 11093, 11065, 11046, 11033, 11024, 11016, 10972, 10945, 10930, 10882, 10835, 10809, 10786, 10749

Trade smart and trade well!

YM: 11368 TS # and into old 11371 TS # were key in Thursday session. That and 11336 and into the old 11330 TS #. This zone is important to me in Friday session giving clear areas to want to test above and below.  Above we have 11447, 11474 - 11486 as range shorts. 11568 - 11459 is still the highest odds short FTU.  And then 11727 - 11736 is an extreme short. 11225 - 11173 is key support below us and the range long. The 11046 +/- 20 ticks area is important under that and then 10945 - 10882 is the highest odds long FTD.

TraderSmarts Numbers for the YM Emini Futures - Thursday October 13, 2011

Support becomes resistance and vice versa...

11390, 11413, 11421, 11445, 11474, 11486, 11497, 11515, 11539, 11568, 11628, 11736 Resistance on the YM Emini Futures

11368, 11336, 11301, 11272, 11253, 11237, 11225, 11212, 11195, 11173, 11146, 11125, 11093, 11065, 11046, 11033, 11024, 11016, 10972, 10945, 10930, 10882, 10835, 10809, 10786, 10749 Supports

Trade smart and trade well!

YM: 11569 - 11568 still the highest odds short FTU. 11486 - 11445 range short.  11173 - 11125 range long. The 11046 +/- 20 ticks area big under that. Then 10945 - 10882 highest odds long FTD.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

TraderSmart Numbers for the YM - Wednesday October 12, 2011

Support becomes resistance and vice versa...

11272, 11301, 11336, 11368, 11390, 11413, 11421, 11443, 11474, 11486, 11497, 11515, 11539, 11559, 11568, 11628, 11736 Resistance on the YM Emini Futures

11253, 11237, 11225, 11212, 11195, 11173, 11146, 11125, 11093, 11065, 11046, 11033, 11024, 11016, 10972, 10945, 10930, 10882, 10835, 10809, 10786, 10749 Supports

Trade smart and trade well!

YM: 11168 TS # was key in Tuesday session. 11168 - 11136 TS # is line in the sand for Wednesday. 11569 - 11568 highest odds short FTU. 11486 - 11474 and 11421 all still spots to consider range short. Question to ask is what did it do prior to coming into range short? How low did it test? 11173 - 11125 range long. The 11046 +/- 20 ticks area big under that. Then 10945 - 10882 highest odds long FTD.

Monday, October 10, 2011

TraderSmarts Numbers for the YM Emini Futures - Tuesday October 11, 2011

Support becomes resistance and vice versa...

11368, 11390, 11413, 11421, 11443, 11474, 11486, 11497, 11515, 11539, 11559, 11568, 11628, 11736 Resistance on the YM Emini Futures 

11330 - 11326, 11301, 11272, 11253, 11237, 11225, 11212, 11195, 11173, 11146, 11125, 11093, 11065, 11046, 11033, 11024, 11016, 10972, 10945, 10930, 10882, 10835, 10809, 10786, 10749 Supports

Trade smart and trade well!

YM: 11568 - 11559 highest odds short FTU. 11486 - 11474 and 11421 two spots to consider range short. 11225 - 11173 zone for range long. 10882 - 10809 highest odds long FTD.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

TraderSmarts Numbers for the YM - Monday October 10, 2011

Support becomes resistance and vice versa...

11093, 11125, 11146, 11173, 11195, 11212, 11226, 11237, 11253, 11272, 11301, 11326 - 11330, 11371, 11390 Resistance on the YM Emini Futures

11067, 11046, 11033, 11024, 11016, 10972, 10945, 10930, 10882, 10835, 10809, 10775, 10746, 10707, 10672, 10633, 10609, 10593, 10576, 10537, 10512, 10484, 10460, 10424, 10367, 10202, 9863 Supports

Trade smart and trade well!

Instrument Contract Notes : Big Ideas for each Instrument

Equity: Was expecting doji's on Friday and to be able to fade the extreme and that is what we got. Monday anything goes. After 3 up days followed by a doji I am expecting the dip to be bought in the zones below but the onus is on the bulls to show up and buy it.

YM: 10945 - 10930 first spot to consider long. 10882 - 10835 and into 10809 second area to look for long. 11196 - 11226 zone for highest odds short FTU. 11330 - 11321 extreme short. Watch the 11173 TS # as well. This was high in Friday session.

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Friday, October 7, 2011

YM ES 6E CL Premium Contract Notes - Friday October 7, 2011

TraderSmarts Premium Numbers for the YM ES 6E CL - Friday October 7, 2011
*****Below are the Contract Notes ONLY I have not included the TS #'s for reason stated below*****

Instrument Contract Notes : Big Ideas for each Instrument

Equity: We have Three White Soldiers on the daily ES and YM and it would make sense to have a pause on the daily before deciding direction. With NFP I am expecting early wide swings followed by constriction of the range. Likely we get a doji on the day. I will be looking to fade extremes on either side of Thursday's close for a reversion back to the mean. Expectation is for the close on Friday to be at or near Thursday's close to slightly higher (possibly into 1164.5 on the ES).

YM: Seek long in the 10882 - 10835 zone for a move up into 11226 - 11196 short zone or seek short in 11196 - 11226 short zone FTU for move back to 11046 minimum. 11330 - 11321 extreme short.

ES: Seek short 1176.5 - 1171.75 FTU for move back to 1158.5 TS #. Two zones to stalk long (really one big zone) 1141.25 - 1133.75 and then 1133.75 - 1127. Stalk long in buy zone for move up into short zone.

6E: 1.3382 key line in the sand. Seek long first in the 1.3349 - 1.3307 zone and if we dip lower in the 1.3286 - 1.3275 zone for move back up into 1.3498 - 1.3525 short zone. If we move up first seek short in the 1.3498 - 1.3525 short zone for move back to 1.3382 TS #. 1.3563 extreme short. Keep in mind that 1.3474 - 1.3552 is an important obstacle FTU.

CL: Seek long in the 81.14 - 80.69 buy zone for move back up into 83.94 - 83.88 short zone. Seek short in the 83.94 - 83.88 short zone for move back down into 81.14 - 80.69 buy zone.

*****I was going to include the Premium TraderSmarts Numbers for each instrument here but we have TS #'s way outside of the current trading range and it wouldn't be fair to members if I posted those for all to see - I will post some charts later showing TS #'s in the current trading range*****

Thursday, October 6, 2011

TraderSmarts Numbers for the YM Emini Futures - Friday September 7, 2011

Support becomes resistance and vice versa...

11033, 11046, 11067, 11093, 11125, 11146, 11173, 11195, 11212, 11226, 11237, 11253, 11272, 11301, 11326 - 11330, 11371, 11390 Resistance on the YM Emini Futures

11024, 11016, 10972, 10930, 10882, 10835, 10809, 10775, 10746, 10707, 10672, 10633, 10609, 10593, 10576, 10537, 10512, 10484, 10460, 10424, 10367, 10202, 9863 Supports

Trade smart and trade well!

Instrument Contract Notes:

Equity: We have Three White Soldiers on the daily ES and YM and it would make sense to have a pause on the daily before deciding direction. With NFP I am expecting early wide swings followed by constriction of the range. Likely we get a doji on the day. I will be looking to fade extremes on either side of Thursday's close for a reversion back to the mean. Expectation is for the close on Friday to be at or near Thursday's close to slightly higher (possibly into 1164.5 on the ES).

YM: Seek long in the 10882 - 10835 zone for a move up into 11226 - 11196 short zone or seek short in 11196 - 11226 short zone FTU for move back to 11046 minimum. 11330 - 11321 extreme short.

TraderSmarts Numbers for the YM Emini Futures

Support becomes resistance and vice versa...

10882, 10904, 10942, 10972, 11016, 11024, 11033, 11046, 11093, 11125, 11146, 11173, 11195, 11212, 11226, 11237, 11253 Resistance on the YM Emini Futures

10835, 10809, 10775, 10746, 10707, 10672, 10633, 10609, 10593, 10576, 10537, 10512, 10484, 10460, 10424, 10367, 10202, 9863

Trade smart and trade well!

YM: 11330 extreme short. 11226 - 11195 highest odds short FTU. 10972 range short. 10672 - 10633 range long. 10367 highest odds long FTD.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

TraderSmarts Numbers for the YM Emni Futures - Wednesday September 5, 2011

Support becomes resistance and vice versa...

10746, 10779, 10800, 10835, 10904, 10942, 10972, 11016, 11024, 11033, 11046, 11093, 11125, 11146, 11173, 11195, 11212, 11226, 11237, 11253, 11272, 11301, 11326 - 11330 Resistance on the YM Emini Futures

10707, 10677, 10633, 10609, 10593, 10576, 10537, 10512, 10484, 10460, 10424, 10367, 10202, 9863 Supports

Trade smart and trade well!

Focus on the ranges where we price is trading:

YM: 11330 extreme short. 10972 highest odds short FTU. 10835 range short. 10593 - 10512 is expanded zone to consider range long. 10202 highest odds long FTD.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

TraderSmarts Numbers for the YM Emini Futures - Monday October 3, 2011

Support becomes resistance and vice versa...

10800, 10835, 10904, 10942, 10972, 11016, 11024, 11033, 11046, 11093, 11125, 11146, 11173, 11196, 11212, 11226, 11237, 11253 Resistance on the YM Emini Futures

10779, 10741, 10707, 10689, 10669, 10633, 10593, 10537, 10512, 10484, 10460, 10367, 10202 Supports

Trade smart and trade well!

YM: 11237 -11212 and 11196 highest odds short FTU. 10974 range short. 10741 range long. 10633 - 10593 highest odds long FTD.